Scott Olson brings more than 15 years of experience in business law and corporate finance to his current role as executive vice chairman of Beneficient Holdings, LP, in Dallas, TX. In addition to his professional activities, Scott Olson contributes to a number of Dallas, TX-based nonprofit organizations, including Family Compass.

Formerly known as the Child Abuse Prevention Center, Family Compass is a nonprofit founded in 1992 that works to prevent child abuse and create strong, healthy families. Family Compass pursues this mission through a range of programs and activities focused on providing parents and families educational opportunities and support services.

For the last 12 years, Family Compass has helped young parents through its Healthy Families program. Designed to prevent cases of child abuse and neglect, Healthy Families teaches pregnant and parenting teens essential parenting skills and reinforces the importance of furthering their education and pursuing lasting employment.

The Healthy Families program serves participants for up to five years and is offered entirely free of charge. Focused on the high-poverty areas of Dallas, Healthy Families has found success in improving the outcomes for parents and children in at-risk neighborhoods and situations. Program statistics in recent years show a large percentage of Healthy Families’ participants are making positive life choices that benefit both themselves and their children.

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